Friday 4 July 2008

Mama Spears: She's Not Staying in Cali Forever!

Britney SpearsBritney Spears wants a judge to toss out a driving without a license charge against her -- and now mom Lynne has stepped up to plead her case!

The legal drama stems from an incident last year where she nailed a car in a parking lot and drove off. In a declaration filed today with the court, Mama Lynne says her daughter has temporary residences in Florida, New York and California and -- ding dang y'all! -- was totally unaware of why she needed a license in Cali too!

And get this -- even though she's recently been searching for a new bachelorette pad in L.A., Mama Lynne says Britney still intends to return to Louisiana.

They'll be back in court August 11.

See Also